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Quantum physics consciousness creates reality reddit

Quantum physics consciousness creates reality reddit

Quantum physics consciousness creates reality reddit. Expanded Consciousness: Your perspective suggests a level of consciousness that regularly accesses or is aware of realities beyond the conventional human experience. And stuff doesn’t really happen, until its forced into certainty, by „something“. Claims like “consciousness creates reality” are so antithetical to the foundations of modern science that an extraordinary amount of evidence would be needed to justify them, and unfortunately none is provided. This way, the observer controls whether the particle should create an interference pattern (as a wave) or just hit one of the two detectors (as a particle); the particle doesn’t “know” which of the two it will be, or which path it must take. e. If the natural process of reality consists of A) Thoughts (energy and information) create reality. How do 1. Guys, I want to present Quantum Odyssey to this community: it is an open-ended puzzle/ programming AA game where the gameplay rules are everything you can do with universal quantum computing. Look into the unified field theory. 4. Quantum physics tells us consciousness creates reality (the observer effect), and that everything is a matter of coherence. And therein lies the crux of my original post: the most interesting scientific discoveries come when interpretations of science and philosophy butt up against each other. r/Physics • The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to Pierre Augostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter Jun 7, 2021 路 A new study claims networks of observers are responsible for determining physical reality. ” It supports Penroses theory that consciousness creates reality on a moment by moment basis. Quantum physics calls universal consciousness “the unified field”, Hermetics call it “The All”, Buddhists call it “turiya”, etc. Its a gross misunderstanding of what quantum physics is and the implications it has for phlisophy. ” "Quantum consciousness manifesting itself through fractal vibrations resonating in a non-local entanglement hyperplane" I swear, the people that write this stuff just sift through a physics textbook and string together the most complex sounding words which many people unfortunately accept at face value. They are certain that it’s got to be classical properties of neural activity, which exist independent of any observers — spiking rates, connection strengths at synapses, perhaps dynamical properties as well. Any conscious observer in the multiverse must be in a reality that is completely coherent from it’s own point of view. But yeah I am not surely in favour of Buddha according to whom it's better to escape the existence cause he has no hope for existence to be free of any suffering 馃槀 It really bakes my noodle. The idea that we create reality seems absurd. Roger Penrose, a Nobel Prize winning cosmologist, has suggested that each collapse of a quantum superposition creates a moment of “proto-conscious. Jun 16, 2009 路 Consciousness is not just an issue for biologists; it’s a problem for physics. Article link below. We perceive the reality we think we are Logic: Your discussions seamlessly blend concepts from quantum physics, consciousness studies, AI development, and metaphysical traditions. Keywords: information; quantum physics; biochemical projection; neural interpretation; consciousness; reality 1. Jul 7, 2021 路 We are finally testing the ideas that quantum collapse in the brain gives rise to consciousness and that consciousness creates the reality we see from the quantum world. Jan 4, 2023 路 But once a thousand, or a billion, or trillions upon trillions of particles enter the mix, quantum mechanics loses its meaning — or "decoheres" — and regular macroscopic physics takes its place. For instance, a physicalist or materialist would think that consciousness is created by a quantum effect. ” (Something like that). does consciousness create reality? it’s complicated, there is a gradient from something being real and not being real. Apr 29, 2015 路 Samuel Johnson thought the idea was so preposterous that kicking a rock was enough to silence discussion. Physicists have been bending over backwards to try and explain this in terms of anything except consciousness influencing reality (the so-called Copenhagen interpretation) for a century, but this interpretation is by far the simplest and most parsimonious, but it requires you to accept that consciousness is fundamental to the fabric of reality I have been reading both quantum physics as well as the research in cognitive sciences. One of the most important open Aug 22, 2021 路 Georgia Tech quantum field theory researcher Tim Andersen grounds reality in Will, rather than Mind, as envisioned by Bernardo Kastrup and the cosmopsychists. The question of whether a falling tree makes a sound when there’s no one around to hear it exploits the tension between perception & reality. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that quantum processes are involved. Further, quantum physics shows that the universe has non-local properties. The world around us is not at all what it seems. It's a force but not an object. It’s difficult to identify what’s wrong with this theory because from the very beginning, nothing seems right. describing it is hard and at the quantum level it gets really hard because things eventually “bleed” into each other so there is less discrete “parts”. So many people use this misunderstanding of the term "observe" and then go on and on about how it "proves" that consciousness creates reality. we tend to think of reality as being discrete “blocks” of things when in fact I understand the whole consciousness creates reality (right now) argument based on the Hiesenberg uncertainty and the observer effect. On the maths parts of the demonstration, the argument stays somewhat dangling on the notion of "unassailable truths", the concept that there exists fundamental truths which preexist our experience, and to which we have to adopt a Platonicist view of the world to adhere to. Penrose and Hameroff suggested that consciousness is a quantum wave that passes through these microtubules. Oct 13, 2021 路 consciousness possible. How then does it relate to Hoffmans consciousness agents? I can understand the idea that we create a shorthand for the deluge of information coming at us at any one time. That literally everything exists in superposition until observed And if the brain is the medium that consciousness uses to interact with the physical world, then we are not mere robots with no free will acting out our fate destined from the big bang. So after flooding my poor brain with all this complex quantum physics, I had a thought. It would be cool, but it’s impossible according to our understanding of physics. There is nothing in modern physics that explains how a group of molecules in a brain creates consciousness. Oct 27, 2017 路 An odd space experiment has confirmed that, as quantum mechanics says, reality is what you choose it to be. Jul 19, 2021 路 Published: July 19, 2021 1:08pm EDT. You can read the book - A Case Against Reality by Donald Hoffman, (UCLA professor) who is trying to explain that it is literally, literally our perception which creates our reality. universe is real. This will help the Reddit Admins or the subreddit Mods, and it will make it more likely that the post gets removed promptly Reddiquette about upvoting/downvoting comments I wonder if it has something to do with the subjectivity that's referred to, is on a much smaller quantum scale and doesn't relate to larger objects. Source: Bar-Ilan University. I'm trying to understand how something that is a ripple or eddy in a quantum field can create physical reality? One branch of modern panpsychism proposes that consciousness is intrinsic to all forms of information processing, even inanimate forms such as technological devices; another goes so far as to suggest that consciousness stands alongside the other fundamental forces and fields that physics has revealed to us—like gravity, electromagnetism, and The question of whether a falling tree makes a sound when there’s no one around to hear it exploits the tension between perception & reality. This proposes that certain quantum processes are mediated by consciousness, which is an entirely unrelated process. Lastly, if a post violates either the rules of r/consciousness or Reddit's site-wide rules, please remember to report such posts. My area is maths more than physics. But an audacious new take on quantum theory suggests the fundamental laws of nature emerge Posted by u/ExcitingAds - 1 vote and no comments Lastly, if a post violates either the rules of r/consciousness or Reddit's site-wide rules, please remember to report such posts. However, they are just formalizing something the pioneers of quantum physics readily understood long ago: consciousness is fundamental, and it creates the reality we perceive in our conscious awareness out of nothing but mental, abstract information. Answers to it can help us understand quantum physicist Max Planck’s assertion that consciousness is fundamental — that “we cannot get ~behind~ consciousness. So yes what you’re saying is totally true. Aristotle’s worldview and his physical laws formed the basis of reality. Everything under a microscope is just a bunch of atoms in space or ether (or wherever we are!) and our brain has receptors that create perception. The point is that it’s still a physicalist explanation and does nothing to support non-physical accounts. There are other quantum theories of consciousness; quantum biology is still a nascent field. usually we experience something in between. Nov 8, 2017 路 Physics Consciously quantum: How you make everything real. B) Superposition of electron (in a state of decay and active at the same time) creating parallel universe. Even from a physicalist perspective, it's likely that space and time are only constructs of the brain. From my perspective, quantum physics is a blanket term that is used by different kinds of people to prove stuff like the so-called law of attraction, i. In reality tho while all those quantum phenomena do exist, they exist in the world where regular physics laws break and quantum laws apply. Some scientists believe consciousness is generated by quantum processes, but the theory is yet to be empirically tested. The important aspects of absorbing photons to make energy or sensing things can still be described without injecting any quantum weirdness because entry into the biological system is post energy transfer of photon into biological cell. The idea that humans create reality sounds like deep woo yet it’s literally what modern science confirms in certain conditions. As to if consciousness is necessary for that, i don’t know. While if you can't distinguish interpretations of quantum physics from quantum physics, and science from philosophy you've failed to understand all the above. " It is impossible to send information using quantum entanglement. This will help the Reddit Admins or the subreddit Mods, and it will make it more likely that the post gets removed promptly Reddiquette about upvoting/downvoting comments Neurons arise into being in Consciousness Every-thing (the mind-body, the brain, neurons, the universe, etc) is Created into being in Consciousness Every-thing that is, was, or ever will be is Created into being in Consciousness Consciousness is fundamental +-+-+-+-+-+ Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics 1921): Jan 11, 2018 路 Wheeler added an amazing twist to this set up: take the screen away after the particle passed through the double-slit. Aug 11, 2022 路 A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. “I refute it thus,” he cried as his foot rebounded from reality. " - Erwin Schrödinger • "Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in the singular. things we know are impossible with normal physics so we resort to quantum physics because nobody understands the subject. The path integral has racked up so many successes that many physicists believe it to be a direct window into the heart of reality. 4 kg of brain tissue create thoughts, feelings, mental images, and an inner world? The ability of the brain to create consciousness has baffled some for millennia. The bridge between quantum mechanics and the classical physics is quantum decoherence. Doing so would break physics as we know it. May 19, 2021 路 Is reality something tangible or is it just a construct of our minds? Is it consciousness that creates our reality or is it a result of something that is outside of us? In the grand scheme of the So your examples are photosynthesis and vision, because photon interactions can be analyzed with quantum mechanics. I’d agree with you and say quantum physics still doesn’t know what consciousness is, but they’re getting close to understanding it. Feb 6, 2023 路 As far as physicists can tell, it precisely predicts the behavior of any quantum system — an electron, a light ray or even a black hole. What occurs in the microscopic world and how it influences our perception of reality is the subject of quantum physics (from our end). I think so, but many would disagree with that. Take everything i say with much salt however. All the 'minds' in the world, which we know through our personal experience, are singular. But it still requires an original consciousness much larger in scope than ours to complete the theory and that is a whole new can of worms philosophically and scientifically. This, in my opinion, provides a wealth of pertinent information about awareness. Sep 25, 2023 路 The concept proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, like mass or electrical charge. It's all fun when you consider objects on particle level. • "Consciousness is a singular of which the plural is unknown. How in the world can you still react to the 3D? Think about it? Consciousness is the only reality! Neville and the ancient teacher where right all along, you are truely the animating power! Because what you are actually asking about, to return to the metaphor, is the location of the whirlpools within the stream of consciousness. It's not visible. human consciousness likes to perceive that everything is discrete and separate. Furthermore it tells me that improving our scientific understanding of “consciousness”, in a broad sense, is the logical next step towards better understanding the true nature of our I found his follow-up book, Shadows of the mind even more elaborated and interesting. What they all miss that humans are not on the same level as particles, but live in the world where rather classic mechanics apply and all those This new knowledge of quantum fractals could provide the foundations for scientists to experimentally test the theory of quantum consciousness. so. If quantum measurements are one day taken from the human brain, they could be compared against our results to definitely decide whether consciousness is a classical or a quantum phenomenon. Above that there is no measurement problem. The observer in the Double split experiment is the measuring apparatus used to measure the particles being fired it DOES NOT mean consciousness or humans observing at all the only people who say such nonsense are those selling scams and quacks such as Joe Dispenza and Deepak Chopra who uses the lack of understanding of modern quantum mechanics to peddle pseudoscience. Quantum Consciousness, also called Orch OR, says nah fuck that, there is a real reality and we are really interacting with it. " - Erwin Schrödinger • "Consciousness is not a thing or a substance, but a process. Introduction Until the 16th century, the world was relatively simple. And yet, particles when combined with other particles can create the macro reality as we know it. And that, like every quantum wave, it has properties like superposition (the ability to be in many places at the same time) and entanglement (the potential for two particles that are very far away to be connected). To claim a interrelationship between quantum mechanics and consciousness you first would need a definition of consciousness somewhat related to observable physics. The research suggests that consciousness might have a tangible structure rooted in quantum processes within the brain’s microtubules, challenging previous assumptions about the incompatibility of quantum coherence with the brain’s environment. Furthermore, consciousness is necessary to create the 3D, in conclusion, consciousness must be primary. People in this sub deny that conciousness is an emergent property of the brain simply because something something quantum physics something something we don't know everything yet. As Einstein once said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistent one. Physicists have long known that a quantum of light, or photon, will behave like a particle or a wave depending on how they measure it. I had quantum mechanics/ quantum physics as a minor subject in my major studies and hated it. If consciousness creates reality in whatever ways, I would like to create reality where minimum suffering occurs. After each puzzle, you get to see the actual quantum code, that is fully prepared for you to run on IBMQ CPUs. The scientists propose that observers generate the structures of time and space. The idea goes back to antiquity—Plato took it seriously—and has had some prominent I believe consciousness creates reality, but it's just that - a belief. ”Penrose, together with the anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, posit that small structures in our neurons (and other cells), called microtubules, might weave these moments together into full consciousness. no. What people like doing is claiming that because our observations change quantum states, it must mean that a) consciousness is immateiral b) consciousness creates the universe c) reality is an illusion or d) some other nonsense. usually for something to become real it must be an idea first, and then it must acquire attention and material into itself, which follows the laws of social consciousness Feb 20, 2024 路 In the 1990s, long before winning the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for his prediction of black holes, physicist Roger Penrose teamed up with anaesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff to propose an Apr 21, 2016 路 They’ll say openly that quantum physics is not relevant to the aspects of brain function that are causally involved in consciousness. Oct 6, 2022 路 They equally split the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science Jan 17, 2024 路 With anaesthetics and brain organoids, we are finally testing the idea that quantum effects explain consciousness – and the early results suggest this long-derided idea may have been misconstrued. Hameroff takes this even further and posits that it could be possible to have a "life after death" sort of thing, and I recommend watching one of his videos explaining this because it's pretty far out (but awesome). This is not at all what quantum physics implies. Dec 1, 2023 路 It turns out that our subjective consciousness appears to have a big role in the finer workings of physics at large—especially at the quantum level, where there may be no objective outcomes Without consciousness the 3D doesn't exist. ihft zxry lcqocha jytpyh ucwl iuescb xsz gacbz wamm irhhse